MS/HS Parents and Guardians,
In light of the most recent school shooting tragedy in Florida, students across the nation are trying to find constructive ways to deal with the aftermath of this horrific event.
As a result, on March 14th students from all across the country are planning to walk out of the school for 17 minutes in remembrance of the students and faculty who lost their lives at Parkland High School.
We have worked with student leaders in the middle and high school to allow students to report to the gym at 10 AM for a 17-minute remembrance ceremony. Students not wishing to participate in the ceremony will remain in their classes.
In addition, we are encouraging students to participate in the March 14th Walk Up movement that encourages students to walk up to 14 students and 3 teachers to say something kind to honor the lives taken.
March 14th will be the only organized walk out that excuses your student from class.
This is for students only; no outside visitors will be able to participate. The school district will not support any other walk out activities.